Thursday, August 15, 2013


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Monday, August 12, 2013


Published: Tuesday August 13, 2013 MYT 12:00:00 AM Updated: Tuesday August 13, 2013 MYT 7:11:59 AM While working hard make sure you have time for your family and friends Talking HR By Melissa NormanManaging Director of Kelly Services Malaysia

AT my age and truthfully I’m not in my early 30s, I can safely say that had I known then all that I know now, I would have spent a little more time finding a balance in my life. There is no doubt that the pursuit of anything worth our while demands a fair amount of sacrifice, nevertheless, the chase never seems to end. Be it for success defined by wealth, academics, a worthy relationship, the next career exposure or a promotion. It’s in our nature to chase after what we believe would give us a sense of gratification and somehow no amount of gratification is ever enough. The generation diversity in the workforce does present conflicting views on whether work-life balance is even necessary, and the question on everyone’s mind is whether work-life balance is possible in an era of work-life blend.
 I recall many a time when I’ve engaged either customers or colleagues on conference calls whilst they’ve been on leave or at various locations outside of work. What’s interesting is not that we’re working during our vacation or our personal time, but the fact that we never question the timing of the calls or work in the first place. I’ve seen many individuals continue to allow work to creep into their personal time. I’m sure you’ve checked your emails during late evenings and weekends. There are times when you may have had to miss family events because leaving the office just seemed impossible at that moment. Even if you did, you’d stay connected with work on your smartphones. With the advance in technology, work will always be with you... if you allow it. There is no doubt that in the pursuit of professional ambitions and succesess would require employees to work extended hours and deal with challenging as well as complex issues.
However, research has shown that there is merit in ensuring personal time to improve focus at work whilst ensuring job satisfaction, better relationships with partners, family and friends. There are obvious benefits to avoid blending work and personal life as it can lead to: > Lack of fulfilment: Focusing solely on work even if you’re passionate about it can ultimately lead to a narrow focus that may leave you feeling depressed when there is no work to be done. > Tiredness: There is high chance of a burn out should you deprive yourself of rest, exercise, and recreation. The effect of low energy can impact on your clarity and focus at work and would affect your career goals. > Missed time with family and friends: Remember that you may always be busy at work as new goals will emerge all the time. Don’t assume that you will make time for your partner, children, family members or friends after you’ve achieved them as that day may never come. And before you know it, time has passed and you may not be on their priority list. > Reduction in productivity and performance: It’s critical to have fresh perspectives and approaches to work task.
 Unfortunately a wider perspective is possible only when you’re able to have a variety of views. Only when you are away from work will you refresh your mind and adjust your attitude towards your perspectives. Studies have affirmed that when work is blended properly with personal life and outside pursuits, there is a chance for a happier and more successful individual. As challenging as it may seem to accommodate professional success with little encroachment to your personal lives, there are individuals that have successfully done so. Here are some pointers:
 1. Work-life effectivenes: This suggests striving for a situation where work fits with other aspects of one’s life. You should take a holistic view, allowing yourself to think of your career as critical part of your life, rather than a separate issue and an obligation. To prevent the “negative spillover” from work into your home or vice versa, consider placing work and personal matters in the same bucket and create a connection. By doing so, you may be able to reduce work-life separation. In an article published about Sir Richard Branson, CEO of Virgin Airlines, he noted that some of his best ideas came from engaging his children in conversations about work. There is definitely a possibility that aligning personal priorities of work, family, health, and well-being can bring about huge gains in emotional and physical energy, not to mention greater clarity and focus at work.
 2. Define what success is in all areas of your life: You will need to define success on your own terms. And at the end of the day, you should be able to look back and admit success. In defining the shape of success, do take into consideration all aspects of your life, let it guide the choices you make on a day-to-day basis and the kind of person you want to be remembered for. Once your definition is clear, you can adjust your daily rituals to achieve your professional and personal success.
3. Get organised: Create a schedule that incorporates non-work related activities, this could include date nights with your better-half, time to yourself to pursue a hobby, interest or activities with the children. Make sure you have a “to-do” list that includes action items for both your work and personal life. You obviously want to celebrate the little things that you achieve as opposed to feeling like a failure. Schedule what you can accomplish, complete it, and sleep soundly knowing that your to-do list is done for the day or week. 4. Communicate and learn to say “no”: Share your plan with your family, friends and colleagues. Your plan may alter in due course as you adjust it to fit into the dynamics of your professional and social situation, but be sure to share how important it is to your professional and personal success that it stays on course. We can’t deny the fact that we are “slaves” of our own doing, we somehow are lead to believe that we have no choice in the way our commitment affect our schedules. It may be cultural or perhaps upbringing that increases the tendency for many to say “yes” to every single work task and social obligation that comes our way. Obviously, if your boss needs something done urgently, it’s often difficult to say “no” but it’s worse to commit to something that you may fail to deliver. Keep in mind that you don’t earn brownie points for committing if you don’t deliver the results. Be clear about what you’re able to commit and accomplish before you say yes. 5. Exercise control: It is researched and proven that individuals may experience high level of stress when they feel out of control. So, be sure to be the driver of your professional and personal success. I’ve seen many individuals, including yours truly, spending excessive time at work because we love what we do. This may not seem burdensome but it’s necessary to set some parameters so that one does not immerse oneself in work and therefore not having time to do anything else. Take a few minutes to do something non-work related that makes you happy every day. It is critical that you take control of the boundaries you set around your professional and personal time so that you feel a sense of accomplishment by having variety in your life.
 6. Be fit: It has been proven that fitness does help individuals manage stress and maintain high energy, and naturally that translates to confidence and better performance at work. There is a double benefit here as it also helps reduce health issues and make you look good!
7. Switch it off: Difficult as it may sound to “leave work at work”, at some point in the night it’s best to put the phone and computer away and give your undivided attention to your loved ones or simply make time for yourself. There isn’t much one can do about an issue at 10pm that couldn’t be done at 8am the next day. On that note, do stop sleeping with your smartphones beside you! It’s easier to succumb to the fact that the fad for work-life blending does justify the blurred lines between our professional and personal life. Don’t get me wrong, there are days when I work myself silly but I do like to enjoy spending time with my family, friends and myself without any work-related interruption. That means no distractions from my phone or conference calls during my personal time. I’ve realised though that it’s easier said than done and perhaps the equilibrium will take some time to achieve. However, I must say that it’s a process and that it gets better with maturity, wisdom and time. When all is said and done, I’m glad I’ve finally allowed myself to enjoy the journey of success by taking some time to balance my personal and professional life. Whether work-life balance or work-life blending works for you, be sure to acknowledge the choices that will allow you to have the life you’ve envisioned for yourself. Melissa Norman is managing director of Kelly Services Malaysia.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Pelbagai jenis teh...

Dream tea, Basilur tea, Twinning tea and Sabah tea

Wednesday, January 30, 2013